It’s Getting Scaly in Here!

Hello P3 Families!

We are definitely feeling fall with the weather getting cooler and the days getting shorter! We have begun our studies on reptiles and North America and the children are having so much fun learning about all the different creepy crawlers and the life cycle of a turtle.

Creating a circle map on reptiles
Learning about different snakes and lizards
Life cycle of a turtle

We have also been discussing the different flora and fauna in North America, learning about our desert biome, and talking about different cultures within the continent. We are studying Native American culture, and learning about different landmarks of the United States.

The desert biome

Animals of North America
Learning about North American cultures with picture fact cards

We would like to send out a BIG THANKS to Penelope Skelly’s family for sharing their pet tortoises with us! The children loved learning about them, and we learned so much about their diet and behavior! They were truly fascinated! That being said, if there is anything families would like to share pertaining to our monthly studies, please let any of your teachers know!

November Studies:

Desert Studies


North America and the USA

Important Dates:

Thursday, 11/18: Picture Day

Wednesday-Friday, 11/24-26: Thanksgiving Break, NO SCHOOL

12/20-12/31: Winter Break, NO SCHOOL


Primary 3