Hello Summer…Memories Are To Be Made!

Dear P3 Families,

Another school year has gone by. It seems like yesterday when we had nervous, wide eyed little ones walking into our classroom, unsure about this strange and unfamiliar place!  Now, here we are saying a bittersweet goodbye to our Kindergartners, in awe of how much all the children have grown, and getting excited for the new faces that will greet us next school year.

May has been a short, but eventful month. Mother’s Day was such a sweet celebration, an occasion the children really looked forward to. They loved creating their gifts, and it was such a heart warming moment seeing their eyes light up when all their mommies and grandmas came to have snacks and tea!

mdtea3 mdtea4 mdtea5 mdtea6 mdtea7 mdtea8 mdtea9 mdtea10 mdtea11 mdtea12Our field trip to the Shark Reef was such a success and was truly enjoyed by all the children. The animals, along with the guided tour, was extremely informative and interesting. All the parent volunteers were AMAZING this year! We are overwhelmed with gratitude, as we had a year with outstanding parent involvement. Thank you once again from the bottom of our hearts!image (2) image (3) image (4) image (5) image (6) image (7) image (8) image (9) image (10)

Perhaps the most exciting day of the school year was Field Day! Although the weather was not very cooperative, the rain managed to stay away and the children still had a blast with all the obstacle courses, water balloons, and popsicles. A huge thank you to Coach Bob and our parent volunteers for making this day as flawless as possible!WATERDAY1 WATERDAY2 WATERDAY3 WATERDAY4 WATERDAY5 WATERDAY6 WATERDAY7 WATERDAY4 - Copy WATERDAY5 - Copy WATERDAY6 - Copy WATERDAY7 - Copy

In addition to all our fun activities this month, the children remained busy in the classroom learning about the people, plants, animals and places of Africa. They loved learning all about insects (especially the ant farm), and continued to power through their math and language goals.The all time favorite was learning how to play Mancala, an ancient African two-player game dated back to the construction of the Pyramids! We are also so proud of how far students have progressed in their reading! Kudos to you, P3!africananimals antfarm goldenbeadaddition insectpuzzle insectxrays lifecycle mancala1 mancala2 money multiplication partsoflion

The last day of school is on Friday, May 24th. Please be reminded that pick up is at 11:15 AM. Whether you are attending camp, staying in town, or travelling this summer, we wish you a safe and fun filled break. The first day of school for the year 2019-2020 is Monday, August 12th, 2019. 




Primary 3 Team

A Heartful of Thanks!

Dear P3 Familes,

We are extremely grateful for all your work and generosity during Teacher Appreciation Week. Thank you so much for the luncheons, gift cards, letters of appreciation, our take home dinner, yoga and massage treats, and finally, the envelopes filled with the “faces of presidents”! We are truly blessed to be a part of your children’s lives. Thank you for giving us that privilege; we are the luckiest teachers in the world!IMG_2694

We would like to thank the Mota-Gastelo family for spending a morning with us doing a beautiful bird craft with the children. A special shout out goes out to Emma, as well…Happy Birthday!IMG_2689IMG_2692

We can’t believe the end of the year is creeping up on us! However, there are still many exciting events going on between now and the last day of school. Our field trip to Shark Reef is on Monday, May 6th, and we would like to thank our parent chaperones who make this trip possible. Please mark your calendars for the following important dates:

Monday, May 6: Shark Reef Field Trip 9:00-11:00am

Friday, May 10: Mother’s Day Tea: 9:30-10:15am

Thursday, May 16: Primary Field Day: 9:00-11:00am

Friday, May 17: Kindergarten Late Night: 5:00-8:00pm

Wednesday, May 22: Kindergarten Moving Up Ceremony: 1:30-2:30pm

Friday, May 24: Last Day of School! Half Day Dismissal 11:15am


May Studies:



People, Plants, and Animals of Africa


Primary 3 Team