Things are Getting Scaley in P3!

Dear P3 Families,

We are wrapping up our studies on Australia and the oceans. The children have had an amazing time learning all about Australian animals, and were fascinated learning about all the unique creatures under the sea. We would like to thank Tristan’s family for sharing great information on Australia, and the children loved vegimite!


Students learned about the different territories of Australia through puzzle maps, and enjoyed coloring the flags of the various territories, as well.

camiaustralia xaviaustralia

The children had a great time celebrating Valentine’s Day with the card exchange, including decorating their bags which was half the fun! We enjoyed celebrating a few birthdays, as well.

camibday chrisbday valentines1

In addition to our cultural studies, the children continued working diligently with language and math materials, and we are very proud of the work ethic we have seen develop since the begining of the school year.

Odd and Even:delaney

Learning about Place value:gia

Practicing writing:wilhemwrite

All primary classes attended a special assembly on Tuesday, February 27th called R.A.P. It stands for “Realizing Anything is Possible,” and the group shared positive messages on kindness and empathy through hip hop/rap. What an amazing show it was!

Friday, March 2nd is Dr. Seuss Day. Feel free to have your child dress as as their favorite Dr. Seuss character in honor of Dr. Seuss’ birthday! We will be celebrating this day with fun activities and crafts, including a huge selection of Dr. Seuss books for the children to enjoy.

If you have not signed up for conferences, please do so at the door at your earliest convenience. If the available dates and times do not work for you, we will gladly schedule another day to meet with you to share your child’s progress.

Important Dates:

Friday, 3/2: Dr. Seuss Day

Thurs, 3/8: Half-Day dismissal at 11:15am, Parent/Teacher Conferences

Fri, 3/9: NO SCHOOL, Parent/Teacher Conferences

Sat, 3/17: PTO Fun Run 8am -11am

Fri, 3/23: Half Day Dismissal at 11:15am, Spring Break begins

Mon-Fri, 3/26-4/2: NO SCHOOL, SPRING BREAK!

March Studies:




Dr. Seuss Day


  • Please label all jackets. In the event they get left in the playground or after care, it can be easily returned to our classroom.
  • If you are volunteering or having a birthday circle in our class, please stop by the office to get a visitor’s badge.

Thank you!


Primary 3 Team


Second Semester, Let’s Do This!

Dear P3 Families,

We hope everyone has settled into the new year as we enter second semester. The children are settled back into their routines, and absolutely loved learning about the Solar System and the Polar Regions in January. I’m sure the Planet Song has made its way home by now! They are all working extremely hard in Language and Math with individual lessons, while many Pre-K students have shown readiness for more advanced math material such as the Decimal Layout and the Snake Game. The Kindergarteners are practicing their penmanship diligently, particularly proper finger spacing, punctuation, and letter formation. We are so proud of how hard everyone is working, and the progress we have seen in various areas is absolutely amazing.

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The children also had an opportunity to pack food bags for the less fortunate children at Whitney Elementary School. Thanks to your generous donations, P3 was able to provide 43 children with food for a weekend! We truly appreciate your help and support. We also enjoyed a special Robotics presentation, truly amazed by all the droids and technology.


Finally, we would like to thank everyone who attended Parent-Child Night. We hope you were all proud of the hard work your children have been doing!

PCnight1 pcnight2 pcnight3 pcnight4 pcnight5

February Studies:


Fish/Marine Life

Geography: Australia

Celebrating Dr. Maria Montessori’s birthday

Important Dates:

Fri, 2/16: NO SCHOOL Teacher In-Service

Mon, 2/19: NO SCHOOL, President’s Day

Thurs, 3/8: HALF DAY, Parent-Teacher Conferences

Fri, 3/9: NO SCHOOL, Parent-Teacher Conferences

Sat, 3/17: PTO Family Fun Run/5K

Fri, 3/23: HALF DAY, Spring Break begins

Mon-Fri, 3/26-3/30: NO SCHOOL, Spring Break

Mon, 4/2: NO SCHOOL, Teacher In-Service

Tues, 4/3: School resumes

As always, never hesitate to email us at [email protected] for any questions or concerns. We are always happy to help!

Sincerely, Primary 3 Team