September 11, 2019

IMG_2785Welcome back to the new school year!  We are focusing on executing functioning skills within the classroom including: locating jobs on the shelves, how to use the materials, and how to properly place them back in their special spots. IMG_2782


Much of our discussions center around grace and courtesy, and how we conduct ourselves in the room while working around our classmates. Moving our bodies more slowly with purpose and focus helps our students build their coordination, and eventually increases their level of concentration. 


There are seven main academic areas of our classroom including: language,  math, sensorial, practical life, science, cultural, and art. Each one of these areas is defined by the shelves holding specific materials.


Work is placed on the shelf in a manner which is useful and interesting. The introductory (easiest) work is on the top of the shelf going from left to right, with the most challenging work positioned on the bottom of the shelf.


In early October, we will be hosting a Parent/Child night where you will have a chance to visit our classroom with your child and have them show you some of the works they are doing. Please look for more details at the door as we get closer to the date.IMG_2777


September themes:

Safety and community helpers

Nutrition and food groups

Plant vs animal

Land and water

Apple studies
