A Heartful of Thanks!

Dear P3 Familes,

We are extremely grateful for all your work and generosity during Teacher Appreciation Week. Thank you so much for the luncheons, gift cards, letters of appreciation, our take home dinner, yoga and massage treats, and finally, the envelopes filled with the “faces of presidents”! We are truly blessed to be a part of your children’s lives. Thank you for giving us that privilege; we are the luckiest teachers in the world!IMG_2694

We would like to thank the Mota-Gastelo family for spending a morning with us doing a beautiful bird craft with the children. A special shout out goes out to Emma, as well…Happy Birthday!IMG_2689IMG_2692

We can’t believe the end of the year is creeping up on us! However, there are still many exciting events going on between now and the last day of school. Our field trip to Shark Reef is on Monday, May 6th, and we would like to thank our parent chaperones who make this trip possible. Please mark your calendars for the following important dates:

Monday, May 6: Shark Reef Field Trip 9:00-11:00am

Friday, May 10: Mother’s Day Tea: 9:30-10:15am

Thursday, May 16: Primary Field Day: 9:00-11:00am

Friday, May 17: Kindergarten Late Night: 5:00-8:00pm

Wednesday, May 22: Kindergarten Moving Up Ceremony: 1:30-2:30pm

Friday, May 24: Last Day of School! Half Day Dismissal 11:15am


May Studies:



People, Plants, and Animals of Africa


Primary 3 Team