Dear P3 Families,
We hope everyone has settled into the new year as we enter second semester. The children are settled back into their routines, and absolutely loved learning about the Solar System and the Polar Regions in January. I’m sure the Planet Song has made its way home by now! They are all working extremely hard in Language and Math with individual lessons, while many Pre-K students have shown readiness for more advanced math material such as the Decimal Layout and the Snake Game. The Kindergarteners are practicing their penmanship diligently, particularly proper finger spacing, punctuation, and letter formation. We are so proud of how hard everyone is working, and the progress we have seen in various areas is absolutely amazing.
The children also had an opportunity to pack food bags for the less fortunate children at Whitney Elementary School. Thanks to your generous donations, P3 was able to provide 43 children with food for a weekend! We truly appreciate your help and support. We also enjoyed a special Robotics presentation, truly amazed by all the droids and technology.
Finally, we would like to thank everyone who attended Parent-Child Night. We hope you were all proud of the hard work your children have been doing!
February Studies:
Fish/Marine Life
Geography: Australia
Celebrating Dr. Maria Montessori’s birthday
Important Dates:
Fri, 2/16: NO SCHOOL Teacher In-Service
Mon, 2/19: NO SCHOOL, President’s Day
Thurs, 3/8: HALF DAY, Parent-Teacher Conferences
Fri, 3/9: NO SCHOOL, Parent-Teacher Conferences
Sat, 3/17: PTO Family Fun Run/5K
Fri, 3/23: HALF DAY, Spring Break begins
Mon-Fri, 3/26-3/30: NO SCHOOL, Spring Break
Mon, 4/2: NO SCHOOL, Teacher In-Service
Tues, 4/3: School resumes
As always, never hesitate to email us at [email protected] for any questions or concerns. We are always happy to help!
Sincerely, Primary 3 Team