It’s Sweater Weather!

Hello P3 Families!

We hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving break! Time with friends and family is always a joy, and an invaluable experience for the children. Can you believe this weather?…80 to 50 in a blink of an eye! That being said, please send your child with a warm jacket everyday (labeled with their name please). It is also that time of year when you may want to replace their summer extra clothes for some pants and long sleeves.IMG_0330_zpsre3hwput (1)

Although our month is short, we have begun studying trees and have introduced the continent of Europe. We are learning about various holidays celebrated around the world including Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, St. Lucia, and Las Posadas. It’s a busy month, especially with the winter program just around the corner!IMG_0362_zpsvoqpbn0xIMG_0352_zpsw2h0nk4xIMG_0343_zpsppdw1obr

Volunteers this Month:

Circle reading: Vanderhoof 12/5 @ 9:30am

Holiday craft: Urquidez (please schedule)

Circle reading: Williams (please schedule)

Holiday t-shirts: Dancer andDunn 12/7 @8:30am

Practical Life supplies:

2 large jars blueberry jam: Krauss

2 loaves organic whole grain bread week of 12/5: Casas

2 loaves organic whole grain bread week of 12/12: Allen

2 quarts organic eggnog week of 12/5: Foster

2 quarts organic eggnog week of 12/12: Campbell

Important Dates:

Friday 12/8: Picture re-take day

Friday 12/9: Kindergarten field trip to Sunrise of Henderson 1:10-2:30 pm

Wednesday 12/14: P3 Winer Program @ 10:30am

Friday 12/16: Half-day dismissal @ 11:15am, WINTER BREAK BEGINS!

Wednesday 1/4: School Resumes

Thank you!

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