breezing through April

Hello Parents and thank you for visiting our blog.



This week’s quote:

We especially need imagination in science. It is not all mathematics, nor all logic, but it is somewhat beauty and poetry.
Maria Montessori



This week our class discussed the importance of taking care of and protecting the Earth.  We talked about cleaning up our environment and how to continue recycling our trash.  We read: “Why Should I Recycle” and learned new ways of helping the Earth.  The children also enjoyed new Earth Day activities in the Practical Life Area.  We’ve also learned a new song titled: Promise.  It teaches the children that the Earth is there home and to always Promise to protect it.



We also continued our studies of South America and the Rain Forest, and learned about more animals that live in the rainforest (spider monkey, jaguar, Yanomani people, and the chameleon).

 Meet Our Classroom Helpers This Week:

Lars is the Greeter this week.  Whenever a visitor enters the classroom, Lars is responsible for introducing himself and welcoming them to our classroom.

Sydney takes care of the plants in the classroom.

Victor is the calendar helper.  He leads the circle and goes through the days of the week and the dates.

Sophia helps get lunch ready by placing everyone’s lunch and name cards at the tables.

Mia reports the weather to our class.

Noah feeds the fish.


On Monday, we had our Rainforest Assembly and enjoyed seeing some real life animals from the rainforest.  We saw snakes, lizards, a tarantula, hissing beetles, a macaw,  and an iguana.    The children learned all about their habitat and ways to help protect our amazing rainforests.


During Kindergarten, Ms. Maryam  presented an Exchange Game which focused on exchanging units to ten bars, ten bars to hundreds, and hundreds to thousands.

 On Monday, April 22nd we are celebrating Earth Day with some earth friendly projects.  Please remember to bring in an empty cereal box (like shown below) by Monday,  so that we can begin making our Earth Day book holder to take home.  Thank You for your support!

Upcoming Events:

On Monday, April 22nd – Celebrating Earth Day

On Friday, April 26th – Kindergarten Assembly

On Friday, May 10th – Mother’s Tea